Extending the Comfy Client

Comfy can be modified through an extensions mechanism. To add an extension you need to:

  • Export WEB_DIRECTORY from your Python module,
  • Place one or more .js files into that directory,
  • Use app.registerExtension to register your extension.

These three steps are below. Once you know how to add an extension, look through the hooks available to get your code called, a description of various Comfy objects you might need, or jump straight to some example code snippets.


The Comfy web client can be extended by creating a subdirectory in your custom node directory, conventionally called js, and exporting WEB_DIRECTORY - so your __init_.py will include something like:


Including .js files

All Javascript .js files will be loaded by the browser as the Comfy webpage loads. You don’t need to specify the file your extension is in.

Only .js files will be added to the webpage. Other resources (such as .css files) can be accessed at extensions/custom_node_subfolder/the_file.css and added programmatically.

That path does not include the name of the subfolder. The value of WEB_DIRECTORY is inserted by the server.

Registering an extension

The basic structure of an extension follows is to import the main Comfy app object, and call app.registerExtension, passing a dictionary that contains a unique name, and one or more functions to be called by hooks in the Comfy code.

A complete, trivial, and annoying, extension might look like this:

import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js";
	name: "a.unique.name.for.a.useless.extension",
	async setup() { 
		alert("Setup complete!")

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