Set up a Registry Account

Follow the steps below to set up a registry account and publish your first node.

Watch a Tutorial

Create a Publisher

A publisher is an identity that can publish custom nodes to the registry. Every custom node needs to include a publisher identifier in the pyproject.toml file.

Go to Comfy Registry, and create a publisher account. Your publisher id is globally unique, and cannot be changed later because it is used in the URL of your custom node.

Your publisher id is found after the @ symbol on your profile page.

Create an API Key for publishing

Go here and click on the publisher you want to create an API key for. This will be used to publish a custom node via the CLI.

Name the API key and save it somewhere safe. If you lose it, you’ll have to create a new key.

Add Metadata

Have you installed the comfy-cli? Do that first.
comfy node init

This command will generate the following metadata:

# pyproject.toml
name = "" # Unique identifier for your node. Immutable after creation.
description = ""
version = "1.0.0" # Custom Node version. Must be semantically versioned.
license = { file = "LICENSE.txt" }
dependencies  = [] # Filled in from requirements.txt

Repository = ""

PublisherId = "" # TODO (fill in Publisher ID from Comfy Registry Website).
DisplayName = "" # Display name for the Custom Node. Can be changed later.
Icon = "" # SVG, PNG, JPG or GIF (MAX. 800x400px)

Add this file to your repository. Check the specifications for more information on the pyproject.toml file.

Publish to the Registry

Option 1: Comfy CLI

Run the command below to manually publish your node to the registry.

comfy node publish

You’ll be prompted for the API key.

API Key for publisher '<publisher id>': ****************************************************

...Version 1.0.0 Published. 
See it here:

Keep in mind that the API key is hidden by default.

When copy-pasting, your API key might have an additional \x16 at the back when using CTRL+V (for Windows), eg: ************************************************\x16.

It is recommended to copy-paste your API key via right-clicking instead.

Option 2: Github Actions

Automatically publish your node through github actions.


Set up a Github Secret

Go to Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions -> Under Secrets Tab and Repository secrets -> New Repository Secret.

Create a secret called REGISTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN and store your API key as the value.


Create a Github Action

Copy the code below and paste it here /.github/workflows/publish_action.yml

name: Publish to Comfy registry
      - main
      - "pyproject.toml"

    name: Publish Custom Node to registry
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Publish Custom Node
        uses: Comfy-Org/publish-node-action@main
          personal_access_token: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN }} ## Add your own personal access token to your Github Repository secrets and reference it here.
If your working branch is named something besides main, such as master, add the name under the branches section.

Test the Github Action

Push an update to your pyproject.toml’s version number. You should see your updated node on the registry.

The github action will automatically run every time you push an update to your pyproject.toml file

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